Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2010.04.20 [喬巴] 電影Blind Side

所以特別抽空看了讓她獲得奧斯卡影后的Blind Side(中譯:攻其不備)

這部電影是根據Baltimore Raven隊的Michael Oher的故事改編..

我尤其喜歡最後Michael替Valley of Death寫的心得論文

Courage is a hard thing to figure
You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake
but you're not supposed to question adults
or your coach or your teacher
或你的教練 或你的老師
because they make the rules
Maybe they know best
but maybe they don't

It all depends on who you are,where you come from
Didn't at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up
and joining with the other side
I mean , Valley of Death that's pretty salty stuff
That's why courage it's tricky
Should you always do what others tell you to do ?
Sometimes you might not even know why you're doing something.
I mean any fool can have courage
But honor, that's the real reason you either do something or you don't
It's who you are and maybe who you want to be
If you die trying for something important
then you have both honor and courage
and that's pretty good
那很不錯 :)

x x x

感謝PTT上的MRZ提供了Valley of Death原文:

1854年:克里米亞戰爭之Balaklava會戰,英法奧三國聯軍與俄軍平手。這場會戰最有名的場面就是英軍的「輕騎兵衝鋒」。大概是英軍跟法軍相處太久所以被傳染了,或者是439年前法軍某騎士在阿金谷的死前詛咒,所以英軍輕騎兵部隊居然採用法氏無腦衝鋒戰法,向俄軍炮兵陣地直衝而去。那樣就算了,英國的愛國詩人Alfred Tennyson男爵也大概被法國騎士附身,寫詩《輕騎兵衝鋒》,讚美曰:

Half a league half a league 就是那半哩的距離
Half a league onward 目標就在那半哩外
All in the valley of Death 死蔭之谷盡勇士
Rode the six hundred: 六百騎並駕齊呼:
'Forward, the Light Brigade 「前進,輕騎兵
Charge for the guns' he said 向敵軍炮口衝鋒!」
Into the valley of Death 衝入那死蔭之谷
Rode the six hundred. 六百騎並駕齊驅。

'Forward, the Light Brigade!' 「輕騎兵衝鋒!」
Was there a man dismay'd? 男子漢豈可貪生怕死?
Not tho' the soldiers knew 軍人應當不知死
Some one had blunder'd: 有人這樣說:
Theirs not to make reply, 他們義無反顧,
Theirs not to reason why, 毫無一絲猶豫,
Theirs but to do & die, 就去犧牲奉獻,
Into the valley of Death 衝入死蔭之谷,
Rode the six hundred. 六百騎並駕齊驅。

Cannon to right of them, 砲火在他們的右邊,
Cannon to left of them, 砲火在他們的左邊,
Cannon in front of them 砲火在他們的前面
Volley'd and thunder'd; 谷中四面都是砲火;
Storm'd at with shot & shell, 砲彈入暴雨落下,
Boldly they rode & well, 他們英勇且善騎,
Into the jaws of Death, 進入死神的口中,
Into the mouth of Hell 進入地獄的入口
Rode the six hundred. 六百騎並駕齊驅。

Flash'd all their sabres bare, 眾騎士一起拔軍刀,
Flash'd as they turned in air, 刀片晃動入閃電,
Sabring the gunners there, 砍向敵軍的砲手,
Charging an army while 衝入萬軍之中
All the world wonder'd: 舉世震驚曰:
Plunged in the battery-smoke 穿越那炮火哨煙
Right thro' the line they broke;突破那敵軍陣線;
Cossack & Russian 哥薩克與俄國兵
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke 被軍刀砍成碎片
Shatter'd & sunder'd. 抱頭鼠竄逃之夭夭。
Then they rode back, but not 然後騎士回陣列
Not the six hundred. 但已不再是那六百騎。

Cannon to right of them, 砲火在他們的右邊,
Cannon to left of them, 砲火在他們的左邊,
Cannon behind them 砲火在他們的前面
Volley'd & thunder'd; 谷中四面都是砲火;
Storm'd at with shot & shell, 砲彈入暴雨落下,
While horse & hero fell, 戰馬與英雄倒地,
They that had fought so well 他們這場仗打得漂亮
Came thro' the jaws of Death 衝入死神之口,
Back from the mouth of Hell, 從地獄入口歸來,
All that was left of them 他們全都留在那裡
Left of six hundred. 六百騎全都留在那裡。

When can their glory fade? 何日此一榮耀才會消失?
O the wild charge they made! 他們那是多麼偉大的衝鋒!
All the world wonder'd. 舉世都會為止震撼。
Honour the charge they made! 他們光榮的衝鋒!
Honour the Light Brigade, 光榮的輕騎兵,
Noble six hundred! 尊貴的六百騎!


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